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Tom's of Maine, зубная паста с прополисом и миррой, без фторида, мята, 155,9 г (5,5 унции)

Артикул: TOM-83085 (1052452746)
ID: 542580959
621,54 руб.
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UPC Код: 077326830857 Описание * Since 1970 * Carrageenan-Free * Freshens Breath * With Myrrh Resin and Bee Propolis Tincture * Gluten-Free * Kosher * Halal Propolis is a mixture of tree resins and pollen made by bees, while myrrh is a plant resin that's been used in toothpastes since the time of the ancient Egyptians. Tom and Kate Chappell started adding them to toothpaste over 30 years ago, and people have been happily using our Propolis & Myrrh toothpastes ever since! Fluoride-free formula: Some people do not want fluoride in their toothpaste. We produce this toothpaste without fluoride because we respect our customers' diverse needs and interests. What makes a product natural and good? At Tom's, it includes how we make it. * No animal testing * We share every ingredient, its purpose, and its source. * Sustainable practices are a priority in every aspect of our business. * No artificial colors, flavors, fragrance, or preservatives. What's inside matters™. We've been making safe and effective natural personal care products for you and your family since 1970! It all started when Tom and Kate Chappell moved to Maine. They couldn't find natural products for their children that supported their healthy lifestyle, so they made their own. This passion and pioneering spirit lives on at Tom's of Maine today. Our Stewardship Model, with standards for natural, sustainable, and responsible, guides every decision we make about our ingredients, processing, and packaging. Use:  Helps prevent plaque and tartar buildup with regular brushing. Рекомендации по применению Тщательно чистите зубы, желательно после каждого приема пищи, но не реже двух раз в день или по указанию врача или стоматолога. Ингредиенты карбонат кальция, глицерин, вода, гидратированный диоксид кремния, ксилитол, натуральный ароматизатор*, лаурилсульфат натрия, ксантановая камедь, бензиловый спирт, экстракт смолы мирры (Commiphora myrrha), экстракт прополиса. * Масло перечной мяты и другие натуральные ароматизаторы
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14 июн в 21:30
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Выкуп № 37
Мин. сумма выкупа: 6 000 руб.
Участников закупки: 3
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